Creative Incubator

The Creative Incubator Residency is a virtual space of solidarity, experimentation, and activation for BIPOC creatives. We have created this program to provide a catalyst for forming and nourishing a symbiotic relationship toward an understanding of intersectional collectivity. Creative Incubator is an experiment rooted in an ongoing dialogue on how to cultivate a notion of curatorial ethics immersed in solidarity, generosity, and giving. The incubator is analogous to a fertile space for those who revel in transitionary mediums, in-between, overlapping spaces wherein experiments ferment and grow. With the online participation of artists around the world, our Instagram page becomes a site of experimentation, a marriage of seemingly discrepant attitudes, mediums, disciplines, and geographies. Follow @lungsproject on IG for more info.


Jessica El Mal | 1-18 August 2019

Kathy Anne Lim | 2-12 July 2019

Laura Hyunjhee Kim | 1-15 June 2019

Nouf AlJahdami | 1-19 May 2019

Adnan Samman | 5-21 April 2019

Maliheh Zafarnezhad | 6-20 March 2019